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Saturday, April 25, 2009 3:02 PM Y
friends are forever
Oh god i regretted like hell for wad i did yesterday sia... made 4 of my best friends hate me like hell now i don even fell like going to sch anymore... plus i try to make up for my mistake by smsing them saying they can ask me to do anything for them jus as they don b angry at me then ok liao but they din even care then bryan kinda scolded me... aiya i jus hope 3 years will come faster so i dunnit suffer or make anyone else suffer cos of me.... oh maybe i can jus find a faster way than waiting for 3 years...

Friday, March 20, 2009 2:26 AM Y
friends are forever
1.Besides your lips, where is your favorite spot to get kissed?
hahahaha.... XD canot say...

2.How do you feel when you woke up this morning?
Irritated cos i had to go for a 4hrs band practice...

3.Who was the last person who you took picture with?
me and zong han's hand(cos he 'punched' me)
with my little cousin...

4.Would you consider to be spoiled?
Of course not! i think...

5.Would you ever donate blood?
I cant i got a blood disease... Thelasemia Alpha Minor (not sure bout spelling)

6.Do you have a good friend of an opposite sex?

7.Do you want someone dead?

8.What does your last text msg says?
You awake?

9.What are you thinking of right now?
Never having to go back to school...

10.Did you wish someone was with you right now?
Not rly...

11.When did you go to sleep last night?
i didn't sleep i oni slept at 4am++ this morning was toking to bryan...

12.Where did you bought your t-shirt that you are wearing right now?
i forgot...

13.Is someone on your mind right now?

14.Who was the last person who texted you?

15.People tagged to do this quiz?
1) Min Ru
2) Batrisyia
3) Siew Hui
4) Shan Le
5) Elaine
6) Pearlyn
7) Conor
8) Calista
9) Hui Min
10) Joycelyn

16.Who is number two having a relationship with?
Uncle Chio-go-pek (batrisyia) currently have a boyfren i think someone called Darren (not 1e3 darren hor!!) XD

17.Is 3 a female/male?

18.If 7 & 10 gets together will it be a good thing?
I dont think Joyce n Conor very compatible leii.... anyways joyce is one year older...

19.What is number 1 study about?
Sec 1, same class

20.Is number 4 single?
Nope, she's attached to Bryan

21.Say something about number 5.
Didn't get to know her well...

22.What do you think of number 3 & 6 together?
I dont think they know each other...

23.Describe number 9
She's kind of good...

24.What will you do if number 6 & 7 fight?
They won't fight cos they dont know each other i think...

25.Do you like number 8?
Depends on wad kind of like it is...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 12:14 PM Y
friends are forever
ello ppls gotta do a quiz cos i got sabo-ed by pearlyn... >< Ten 'are you's:

1. Are you single?-yeps
2. Are you happy?-kinda...
3. Are you bored?-yeah...
4. Are you fair?-sometimes...
5. Are you Italian?-wanna try guessing?... of cos not la!!
6. Are you intelligent?-nah... im humble XD
7. Are you honest?-sometimes only not always...
8. Are you nice?-muahahaha!! wanna guess?
9. Are you Irish?-this u can guess too... of cos not...
10. Are you Asian?-yeppyyepyep...

Ten facts:

1. Full name-Tan Kuok Jonn
2. Any nicknames-noobpuppy, KJ
3. Birth place-Singapore
4. Hair colour-black
5. Natural hairstyle-erm... not sure leii...
6. Eye colour-black
8. Mood-totally bored
9. Favourite colours-all colours... i'm not bias XD
10. One place you would like to visit-Moneytopia XD

Ten things about your LOVE life:

1. Have you ever been in love? Yeah...
2. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yeah...
3. Do you currently have a crush? Yeah...
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally? Yeah...
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart? Nope...
6. Have you ever had your heart broken? Yeah...
7. Have you ever like someone before and never told them? Yeah...
8. Are you afraid of commitment? Nope...
9. Who's the last person you hugged? No one i guess...
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? No one i guess...

Ten 'this or that's:

1. Love or lust-love
2. Hard liquor or beer-neither
3. Cats or dogs-dogs, cats are evil XD
4. A few best friends or a regular friends-a few best friends
5. Creamy or crunchy-crunchy
6. Pencil or pen-pen, pencil not nice...
7. Wild night out or romantic night in-both =]
8. Money $$ or happiness- both are gd but money better XD
9. Night or day-depends
10. IM or phone-phone

Ten 'have you ever's:

1. Been caught sneaking out?-sneaking out? hhmmm i don think so...
2. Seen a polar bear?-yep at Singapore Zoo XD and i have a polar bear toy at home XD
3. Done sth you regret?-yep...lots of time
4. Bungee jumping?-nope i scared i might die even before it starts
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor?-depends on wad kind of floor...
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker?-jaw breaker? O__o
7. Been caught naked?-obviously no... duhh...
8. Wanted an ex back?-nope, coz i nv had 1
9. Cried because you lose a pet?-kinda is like tears drop but no cry la...
10. Wanted to disappear?-yeah....

Ten preferences in a partner:

1. Smile or eyes-smile
2. Light or dark hair-anything
3. Hugs or kisses-not sure...
4. Shorter or taller-shorter....
5. Intelligence or attraction-both
6. Topman or Zara-O.o LOL
7. Serious or funny-both
8. Older or younger-neither
9. Outgoing or quiet-both
10. Sweet or bad-sweet...

Ten 'have you's:

1. Ever performed in a large crowd?-yes.....
2. Ever talk on the phone more than an hour?-with bryan i think....
3. Ever tired on walking on your hands?-nope...
4. Ever been on a rock concert?-i don like this kind of things...
5. Ever on a cheerleading team?-err no?
6. Ever on a dance team?-nope...
7. Ever on a sports team?-still nope...
8. Ever been in a drama/play production?erm...yes i think
9. Ever own a Mercedes Benz, BMW, etc?-i don drive...
10. Ever been in a rap video?O.o nope

Ten 'last's:
1. Last phone call you made-bryan...
2. Last person you hugged-noobpuppy... my "dog"
3. Last person you hanged out with-bryan and shan le...
4. Last time you worked-at my dad's shop i guess...

5. Last person you talked to-my mom asking her for money XD
6. Last person you IMed-O.o
7. Last person you texted-bryan...
8. Last people you watched movies with-bryan and shan le
9. Last person or thing you missed-6B'ers
10. Last website you visited-pearlyn's blog

Ten people to be tagged:

1.Shan Le
4.Bao Fei
5.Min Ru
6.Siew Hui
9.Hui Min

Tuesday, March 17, 2009 9:48 PM Y
friends are forever
lol today i went out with bryan and shan le we go watch movie... Race to Witch Mountain... and during the movie we talk alot then alot ppl keep looking at us.... then after the movie bryan went to the toilet then me n shan le wait outside then we met rasyid i was like so shocked la... cos he also watch race to witch mountain but his one ends like when ours start... so i was like so shocked cos he waited at the cinema for 2 hrs.... then we all come my hse then about 5 mins later rasyid left.... then about 10pm then bryan n shan le went home... but during the few hrs they hanky-pankying in my room then my maid saw then i jus off the lights and went out of the room for about a minute or so until i came back in... n i did tt for like 3 timesss.... until i tired then i put an extra mattress on the floor and ask them to do whatever they want on the matress not on my bed cos they keep on "playing" on my bed la.... but finally about 10mins later they stopped... aiya anyways they left le tgt of cos... (sorry i don like elaborating too tiring... tt is y this post so short)

Signing Off

Friday, March 13, 2009 6:59 PM Y
friends are forever
lol forgot to blog yesterday... anyway yesterday went home with shan le agn... we went to lot1 first to buy something for her fren... then we walked to bryan's house then we borrowed an umbrella from bryan... he could not go home with shan le cos he had to cook rice blah blah blah... then i went home with shan le instead but before tt we ate instant noodles and talked about some super private stuff at the minimart near bryan's house for about 30mins i think then we also play the 20c ping pong ball game thingy... then when we walking shan le finally rmb wad her fren needed then we walked to the mobil mart near my house and she bought me one kinder joy =D the egg-looking thingy and we could not find a soap dispenser... then we go to yew tee mrt station then we found the soap dispenser so big plus it was so ex... then in the end our effort was wasted as we in the end could not find anything...then i walked her home talking bout more private stuff... XD today ZHSS got sports day... i got shan le books to improve her eng and she actually read a story O_o... then after tt we went to clement's house n he cooked spaghetti for us =p... hai anyways this past weeks my trust in bryan is really decreasing now even a small secret i also don wanna tell him... i don trust him because like he is always talking to zong han about some secretive i ask him wads he toking about then also don wan tell me... i known bryan for like 2 years!! n tt stupid zong han oni known him for even lesser than half a year and tt arse (zong han) knows more secrets about bryan than me!! tt arse keeps polluting his mind with weird stuff and bryan getting as irritating as tt arse...

Signing Off

Saturday, March 7, 2009 1:52 PM Y
friends are forever
QUIZ!!!! woot~~ hahaha. (:

1. If yoo can chanqe ur name , wad would it be?


2. Do yoo think yoo're qood lookinq?


3. Are yoo sinqle or taken?


4. Are yoo happily sinqle or take


5. Wad's ur favourite colour?

All, cos im not bias XD

6. Do yoo think the world is round or flat?

Round? idk

7. Sponqebob or patrick?

Patrick... cos he's dumb :D

8. Chuckie or tommy?

Neither =D

9. Pooh or Eeyore? or baby pooh?

Baby Pooh...

10. Black or white?

Both are nice...

11. Who is / are ur best friend?

Bryan, Matthias not Giovanniel....

12. Who is ur enemy?


13. How will yoo discribe urself?

Innocent and Evil

14. Who is ur hero?

No one...

15. Who is the last person yoo saw?


16. Who is the last person yoo huqqed?

No one...

17. Who is the last person yoo told yoo love them?

No one... My parents maybe?

18. Who is the person yoo miss most?

Matt? I not sure leii...

19. Wad is the one thinq that briqhtens ur day?


20. When was the last time yoo went on a vacation?

Last year i guess... To malaysia but me n my sis got food poisoning so we had to go home early...

21. Who is the last person tuu annoy yoo?

Feng Zhu

22. Aqainst or fer qay marriaqe?

I dont know... No?

23. BUSH or kerry?


24. Aqainst or fer abortion?

no comments

25. When was the last time yoo cried?

During camp fire night i think...

26. When was the time that yoo are absouluely happy?


27. Who was the last person yoo yelled at?

Feng Zhu?

28. Do yoo think that too are well-liked?

No? Not sure...

29. Do yoo qo tuu Talawanda?

Who or what is tt?

taq 7 person tuu do this quiz. (:



Hui Min





Have Fun!! :D

Friday, March 6, 2009 5:35 PM Y
friends are forever
ellos i wanted to post last night but my parents came home and i had to force my laptop to off... anyways today got class photo-taking then me and gio gio was toking about wedgies then at the hall gio say he wan give the person in front of him an atomic wedgie...anyways during the informal pic mr ong stand stand right beside me then i was like so pai seh cos he's erm... erm... nvm... anyways then also got band photo-taking then it was at 2pm but sch ends at 12.30noon then then during the two and a half hrs alot of bad things happened... chuphel argue with some of the girls... then i go home with someone n we go eat ice cream 1st then that person ask me how to eat ice-cream i was so shocked la... then he/she say he/she v seldom eat ice-cream... -.- n today feng zhu piss me off cos all of us (boys) in the class don wan giovanniel to come in n disturb us then we lock both doors with the broom n the dustpan then feng zhu n shan le wanna come in then we open the back door for them to come in then shan le go in through the back door but tt feng zhu pian pian wanna come in from the front door then i was like damn angry cos like wads her problem i open the back door to let her come in but she don wan even if shan le come in through the backdoor she don wan follow her why she so stubborn?! Oh ya ppl from 1e3 u wanna have water parade (play water<--- for people who dunno wad water parade is) on monday outside the classrooms? if u wan tag me or sms me...

Signing Off


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Learn how to play the Trumbone properly
Get money to modify my PSP (nope was told tt i cant)
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1e3'09 class t-shirt
Get new phone
For Min Ru to not b so angry with me bout tt thing
For Bryan n Shanle to last long....


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thankyou :D

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